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A Book of New Zealand

Edited By J. C Reid

Preloved hardcover book with dust jacket.

From the discovery of New Zealand, there has been no lack of discerning chroniclers of its pioneering life and of the gradual emergence of a distinctive society in this most far member of the British Commonwealth. With the development in this century of a vigorous native literature, the New Zealand imagination, 100, has revealed itself as a highly individual one.

Drawing generously upon both records and creative writing, Dr. J. C. Reid has produced a wide-ranging anthology which gives a vivid impression of the country, its history and its people.

In this collection of material from familiar and out-of-the-way sources, New Zealanders will recognise the special features of their land and their way of life; others will find it an intriguing introduction to a country that is as proud of its national identity as of its British heritage. Of special interest is the broad selection of poetry in which, particularly of recent times, New Zealand writing is notably rich.

The editor,

Dr. J. C. Reid, Associate

Professor of English at the University of Auckland, is well-known for his books on Coventry Patmore, Francis Thompson and Thomas Hood. He has also published several studies of New Zealand literature and has edited an anthology of New Zealand humour.

The 54 illustrations include reproductions of early and contemporary paintings, as well as striking photographs of New Zealand landscapes.

A Book of New Zealand ~ Edited By J C Reid

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